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These are pictures of my family, my eighth and final artifact. I could not write a portfolio about myself without including them in it because they are such a huge part of who I am. I come from a loving and tightly knit family with both of my parents, an older sister (Sarah), a younger sister (Cassie), and a grandma who lives nearby. Also included in these pictures is my fiancé, Jon. In my portfolio he is referred to as my boyfriend because we just recently got engaged, but he was my friend throughout high school and we started dating at the beginning of college. All of these people are continually showing me love, support, and encouragement. They all remind me that I am beautiful as I am, that I don't need to be perfect, and that I need to take breaks to just stop and breathe. They also have all been incredibly encouraging and supportive of my decision to become a nurse, and they have nurtured my passion for nursing by showing interest in what I am learning and reminding me of the qualities I have that will make me a good nurse such as my compassion for others. I love them so much, and I would not be in college as a nursing major or as an honors student without them!

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