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 My sixth artifact is a picture of me in Costa Rica. I studied abroad for six weeks during the summer of 2013. I took two classes in Costa Rica. One was called Spanish for Healthcare Professionals and transferred back as an elective for my Public Health minor and the other was Alternative Health and transferred as an Honors elective. I learned a lot about living in a different culture as well as in a different socioeconomic class. I went from having my own car and a nice sized apartment to living in a small room and relying on public transportation (which I discovered is not always so reliable!). This has helped me relate better to my patients who are from a different culture or socioeconomic status. I also had a lot of time during those long bus rides to and from school to reflect on my life, and I discovered that I was no longer the happy girl who had entered college. I had allowed my perfectionism to stifle out my joy, and I left Costa Rica with the decision that I needed to make drastic changes in my life. Since my return I have done a better job of taking care of my own health and of keeping up with my hobbies and activities that I enjoy.

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