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During my freshman year, I took an Honors Community Service class. I spent that semester volunteering at Urban Ministry Center, or UMC. UMC is a day-time facility for our homeless population. I that diversity isn't just about a difference in our skin colors; it is about a complete difference between lifestyles and cultures. I also learned how to step out of my comfort zone by doing something new by myself.



My third artifact is the final reflection that I wrote for this class. Here are some excerpts from my final reflection: 


"Of course, the biggest part of this class was the individual community service that I did. I chose to do my service at the Urban Ministry Center. I wrote about what this organization is and what I do there in my midterm reflection, but I'll summarize it here too. The Urban Ministry Center, which I'll abbreviate as UMC in this paper, is a nonprofit organization that provides help for homeless people. There are many different things at UMC for our homeless population, whom we call our neighbors. We have hot showers, washers and dryers for donig laundry, lunch, computers, and telephones. We have counselors who help people get bus passes and identification. We have a nurse that comes in several days a week, and we have dental services once a month. We coordinate the Room in the Inn from December 1st to March 31st, which basically involves signing people up to stay overnight at different churches and facilities, because during the winter the homeless shelters fill up. We have many different programs for our neighbors to get involved in, including art, choir, street soccer, gardening, and our Homeless Helping Homeless self-advocacy group..."


"I remember one day when I was asked to accompnay a lady into one of our other buildings. She was sorting through the belongings of her father, who had just passed away. It was very sad to watch; she didn't cry or talk, she just silently sorted through her father's clothing and belongings. I didn't say anything either, because I didn't feel like that would help; I just stood with her, helping put things that she had sorted back into bags and trying to offer silent support.


Another day that will always stand out in my mind was when I had come in to discover that a young lady who sometimes came to UMC had been raped and murdered. I did not know her personally, but many of the neighbors had. One man had stood looking at the sign with tears streaming down his face. This man, I did know personally. He had come to my desk many times, and seemed like a tough man. To see him cry melted my heart. 


I knew that homeless people had feelings like everyone else, but I assumed that life on the street would have calloused them to the cruelty of the world. Seeing this man cry made me realize how wrong I was. They still felt everything, all of the injustices and hardships, just as deeply as me or anyone else. This saddened me, because I realized how hard life must be for people who were homeless. To be in such a dangerous place, to see poverty and crime and violence frequently, and to be hurt by it every time - this realization brought me to tears.


I feel like I have been able to have an impact at UMC in several ways. I think just by volunteering there, I am making an impact. I am helping UMC, and whether my day there consists of interacting with people or answering phones, I leave feeling good because I know that I was able to serve. I think that service can often be glorified, made out to look like something that is extremely noticable and huge. However, I have learned that true service does not usually come in the form. True service is simply helping out where you are needed, whether you are helping someone find a place to sleep or signing someone up to use a telephone.


Another thing that I think helps make a difference in the lives of people I interact with at UMC is simply showing warmth and compassion. A lot of people just need to see a bright smile and be asked  how their day is going. I have been told by several different people at UMC that they love seeing my smile, so I try to be bright and warm whenever I interact with people there."


To read the entire reflection and see my portfolio for this class, visit this website:!final-reflection

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